Monday, December 9, 2013

Afraid of Free Speech, on Many Fronts: PEN, Google, China, Goliath

The event in question featured Max Blumenthal, who was being interviewed about his book on Israel, Goliath, by Peter Bergen, the well-known writer on war-and-terrorism topics. I wasn't involved in inviting Max Blumenthal, but having read his book before the session and now having heard him speak, I am glad that New America and its president, Anne-Marie Slaughter, stood by their invitation. As he put it in a recent interview with Salon, the book is "An unvarnished view of Israel at its most extreme." Again, the power of his book is not that Blumenthal disagrees with these groups. In its English version, the Jewish Daily Forward excoriated his book: "Max Blumenthal's Goliath Is Anti-Israel Book That Makes Even Anti-Zionists Blush." Whereas the Yiddish edition of the Forward has a review that is quite respectful of the book and the importance of such criticism.

Swirl >>

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