Monday, December 9, 2013

In Washington, deadlines crashed and holidays trashed

Well, December 13 is Friday and House and Senate negotiators don't yet have a deal. That's not the only thing Congress has to work on before the House is supposed to leave town, also on Friday, and the Senate at the end of next week. House Republicans want to drop 3.8 million people from those rolls next year - about 8% of recipients - while Senate Democrats aren't keen on those cuts. While the Senate is scheduled to be in town for two weeks, it must hurry since the House is set to leave on Friday.
Source: CNN

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Congress set to extend band on plastic firearms - CBS NEWS
A donothing Congress - CNN
Its Crunch Time for Congress - NATIONAL JOURNAL
Congress looks to beat the holiday rush - PBS NEWSHOUR
Congress reauthorizes ban on plastic guns - WASHINGTON POST
Indias ruling Congress party suffers blow in state elections - WASHINGTON POST

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