Monday, December 9, 2013

Amid the Uproar Over the Health Law, Voices of Quiet Optimism and Relief

Since his chronic leukemia was diagnosed in 2010, Ray Acosta has paid dearly for health insurance: more than $800 a month in premiums, plus steep co-payments for the drug that helps keep him alive. She connected him with an application counselor at a community health center, who found - to Mr. Acosta's astonishment - that he qualified for Medicaid under the new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, which gives states the option of expanding the program to include more low-income adults. For many, particularly people with existing medical conditions like Mr. Acosta, the coverage is proving less expensive than what they had. Many others are getting health insurance for the first time in years, giving them alternatives to seeking care through free clinics or emergency rooms - or putting it off indefinitely. Not all who need health insurance are happy with their new options.

Swirl >>

Things to Consider Before You Decide to Keep Your Health Plan - ABC
Cannibal Sandwich Gets Bad Review From Health Officials - ABC
A Group of People the Size of Hawaii Just Got Health Care Thanks Obama - THE ATLANTIC
Signing Up for Health Insurance in California Was Hell But Im Glad I Did It - THE NEW REPUBLIC
Personal Health Snacking Your Way to Better Health - NEW YORK TIMES
What Separates A Healthy And Unhealthy Diet Just 150 Per Day - NPR
HealthcareGov Is Broken Because Government Innovation is Broken - THE NEW REPUBLIC
Tech Team Podcast Episode 4 HealthCaregovs Epic Fail - NPR

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