Monday, February 3, 2014

Charlie Crist's The Party's Over Reviewed by Isaac Chotiner

Charlie Crist's new book, lazily titled The Party's Over, is a cause for both anger and sadness. At one moment in the book-after recounting an irksome Rubio profile in The New York Times-he quotes Rubio on the Tea Party: "An important part of a bigger movement in America united behind the idea that you don't have to get rid of everything that's right about America to fix what is wrong about our great country." To this, Crist adds: "What empty platitudes! I remember thinking when I read that." It's touching to see "The people's governor" express dismay over platitudes, although Rubio's statement doesn't even really qualify as platitudinous. The Rubio-Crist match-up is indeed the soulless heart of the book, because it marked the moment when Crist formally ditched the Republican Party. Crist highlights his Palin concerns to underline his own worries about the Republican Party being too conservative, even though it took him until 2010-when he was on the verge of being crushed by Rubio-to finally see the light.

Swirl >>

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