Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Bill O'Reilly Is to Journalism What the WWE Is to Fighting

President Obama grants a one-on-one television interview to a broadcast journalist, and I sit at home cursing the interviewer for going easy on him. "Would you consider amending the law in way x to make good on your promise?" Or O'Reilly could've raised the issue of Obama's credibility. What response could this possibly elicit other than the banal official line that Obama repeated? Said O'Reilly, "Your detractors believe that you did not tell the world it was a terror attack because your campaign didn't want that out." Even if that were true, is Obama really going to appear in a one-on-one with O'Reilly and say, "Well, Bill, I knew it was a terror attack from the beginning but I tried to pretend otherwise for a couple of days because I thought I could get away with it-it was a naked political calculation designed to hide my core softness on terrorism." O'Reilly covers well-trod ground less sure-footedly than many who've gone before him, trots out a few right-wing theories that even he won't put his name behind, and produces an interview that serves his interests and Obama's interests just fine, but shortchanges everyone who has an interest in more information.

Swirl >>

Obama Tells Bill OReilly He Isnt The Most Progressive President In History - HUFFINGTON
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Billions needed to fund deforestation prevention plan report - REUTERS
The Mormon Who Creates Billions of Fake Identities Every Month - FORBES
Hillary Bill and the media The undertheradar marriage issue - FOX NEWS
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